Links for lesbian/gay/bisexual/trans dancers, callers, and their friends:
IAGSDC Main Website: The official website of the International Association of Gay Square Dance Clubs (A Gay & Lesbian Organization). This is the primary resource for L/G/B/T dancers and callers, and for those wishing to dance with or call to our community. Start here for information on IAGSDC events, clubs, and conventions.
Bradley Bell Directory: The electronic version of the Bradley Bell Directory. (If you don't know what the Bradley Bell is, look it up in the IAGSDC Mini-FAQ).
Links for and about callers who work with the L/G/B/T community: - Gay Callers Association: Yes, there really is an association for L/G/B/T callers ... and for straight callers who happen to call a lot to the L/G/B/T community. Aside from raising consciousness about the IAGSDC and L/G/B/T dancing at CALLERLAB each year ... the GCA also runs a yearly Caller School which is both highly regarded and a safe environment for people who've never been to a caller school before. Since 2006, I've been editor of the GCA Call Sheet, a technical journal for square dance callers. There's a sample issue available at the site. - Andy Shore's Website: Andy was the club caller for El Camino Reelers and Foggy City Dancers. His website contains a great deal of useful information for callers, including a huge list of singing calls, dancer position diagrams, and links to other sites. - Rich Reel's Square Dance Caller Notes: Rich is the current club caller for El Camino Reelers, and he's spent years diligently compiling choreography, and tips for callers. The result is a truly incredible and comprehensive choreography resource. Everything from get-ins and get-outs to ring figures I've never been able to find elsewhere. - Vic & Debbie Ceder's Square Dance Resource Net: It's not enough that Vic is one of the most skilled callers in the world, with a slightly skewed perspective that leaves both dancers and callers breathless and grinning from ear to ear at each dance. He's also the author of the Ceder Square Dance System (CSDS) choreography program, and in his copious spare time, along with his lovely wife Debbie, Vic wrote "The Ceder Chest", book series. The Ceder Chests are books of call definitions that no higher-level dancer should be without. - A Caller's Weblog: Brainchild of Kris Jensen, one of my favorite callers. Mentored for years by the very playful, yet laid-back Bill Eyler, Kris has emerged as a caller and calling personality in her own right. In many ways, she manages to out-twist Bill ... and that, my friends, is twisted indeed. Kris edited the GCA Call Sheet newsletter for many years, and is an exceptionally talented writer. I love reading her blog entries, and suspect you will, too.
Links to general square dancing resources, not IAGSDC- or LGBT-related. - CALLERLAB: The definitive source of modern western square dancing. The CALLERLAB site has HTML and PDF versions of all square dance call lists, plus much useful information about the organization itself. Very handy for settling those arguments about what the “official” definition of a call is. - Western Square Dancing: Originally founded by Rob French, DOSADO.COM quickly became an essential resource for all square dancers and square dance callers. A few years ago, Bill & Peggy Heyman took over the site, and expanded it even more. This site is a great source for buying square dance music. - Hilton Audio Products of Texas, LLC: The manufacturer of Hilton audio sound systems for square dancing. Originally headquartered in California, in 2014 the company was sold to new owners.
IAGSDC Main Website: The official website of the International Association of Gay Square Dance Clubs (A Gay & Lesbian Organization). This is the primary resource for L/G/B/T dancers and callers, and for those wishing to dance with or call to our community. Start here for information on IAGSDC events, clubs, and conventions.
Bradley Bell Directory: The electronic version of the Bradley Bell Directory. (If you don't know what the Bradley Bell is, look it up in the IAGSDC Mini-FAQ).
Links for and about callers who work with the L/G/B/T community: - Gay Callers Association: Yes, there really is an association for L/G/B/T callers ... and for straight callers who happen to call a lot to the L/G/B/T community. Aside from raising consciousness about the IAGSDC and L/G/B/T dancing at CALLERLAB each year ... the GCA also runs a yearly Caller School which is both highly regarded and a safe environment for people who've never been to a caller school before. Since 2006, I've been editor of the GCA Call Sheet, a technical journal for square dance callers. There's a sample issue available at the site. - Andy Shore's Website: Andy was the club caller for El Camino Reelers and Foggy City Dancers. His website contains a great deal of useful information for callers, including a huge list of singing calls, dancer position diagrams, and links to other sites. - Rich Reel's Square Dance Caller Notes: Rich is the current club caller for El Camino Reelers, and he's spent years diligently compiling choreography, and tips for callers. The result is a truly incredible and comprehensive choreography resource. Everything from get-ins and get-outs to ring figures I've never been able to find elsewhere. - Vic & Debbie Ceder's Square Dance Resource Net: It's not enough that Vic is one of the most skilled callers in the world, with a slightly skewed perspective that leaves both dancers and callers breathless and grinning from ear to ear at each dance. He's also the author of the Ceder Square Dance System (CSDS) choreography program, and in his copious spare time, along with his lovely wife Debbie, Vic wrote "The Ceder Chest", book series. The Ceder Chests are books of call definitions that no higher-level dancer should be without. - A Caller's Weblog: Brainchild of Kris Jensen, one of my favorite callers. Mentored for years by the very playful, yet laid-back Bill Eyler, Kris has emerged as a caller and calling personality in her own right. In many ways, she manages to out-twist Bill ... and that, my friends, is twisted indeed. Kris edited the GCA Call Sheet newsletter for many years, and is an exceptionally talented writer. I love reading her blog entries, and suspect you will, too.
Links to general square dancing resources, not IAGSDC- or LGBT-related. - CALLERLAB: The definitive source of modern western square dancing. The CALLERLAB site has HTML and PDF versions of all square dance call lists, plus much useful information about the organization itself. Very handy for settling those arguments about what the “official” definition of a call is. - Western Square Dancing: Originally founded by Rob French, DOSADO.COM quickly became an essential resource for all square dancers and square dance callers. A few years ago, Bill & Peggy Heyman took over the site, and expanded it even more. This site is a great source for buying square dance music. - Hilton Audio Products of Texas, LLC: The manufacturer of Hilton audio sound systems for square dancing. Originally headquartered in California, in 2014 the company was sold to new owners.